How to Apply for TAship

The Biological Engineering Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites graduate students to apply for Teaching Assistantships for BIOE 220A & BIOE 230 in Winter and BIOE 220B and BIOE 230 in Spring quarters of the 2022-23 academic year. The Bioengineering emphasis now requires BIOE 220A and BIOE 220B while the 3rd emphasis course is now drawn from a list of approved electives (See attached file named *Bioengineering Emphasis Requirement Sheet*. Importantly, the emphasis courses will no longer include lab sessions. These TA positions will also support coordinations of BIOE 230 seminar activities jointly with Biological Engineering with 20% of their time.

If you are interested in applying for a Biological Engineering TA position supporting the BioE emphasis please first check with your advisor that the timing and responsibilities do not conflict with your schedule and then complete and deliver the following: a cover letter (limited to one page) and include the following questions: Which Department are you in, What is your What is your area of research, Which quarter you are interested and available to TA (Winter and/or Spring), Why do you want to be a Teaching Assistant? What do you think you would learn in the TA Role? What can you bring to the TA role?, a curriculum vitae, a writing sample (double spaced, 3-5 pg.'s only), unofficial copy of undergraduate transcript(s), unofficial copy of graduate transcript(s), and one letter of reference.

 Graduate Advisor

Application Submission

Please send the application to both Elizabeth Jensen ( and the Grad Advisor (