in the lab
Credit: Mia Nie

UCSB Bioengineers develop and deploy new models and methods to integrate knowledge from biology and engineering, enabling both new technologies and fundamental scientific discoveries. 

Who does the science, as well as how they are funded, dictate the science that gets done. Bioengineering wants to ensure that we bring multiple viewpoints and experiences to the table to ensure that we, as bioengineerss, are addressing the diverse needs of our society. Help us recruit and support exceptional students in meeting their educational goals, while also enabling them to spend the majority of their time researching, expanding their aspirations, and taking their scientific and community impact further. Gifts for fellowships help us to recruit students with diverse experiences and interests, to support research explorations and lab matching during their first year, and to provide students with protected time for classes and research.

Help us achieve our mission is to train the next generation of research and thought leaders to design and deploy engineering solutions for and from biology for the advancement of technology, health and sustainability.  Your support is invaluable to enable students to focus on advancing cutting-edge research, to fund state-of-the-art resources, to recruit and support outstanding faculty and their research.


Erin Kozaki
Senior Director of Development, the Sciences
UC Santa Barbara

Steve Ramirez
Assistant Dean of Development, College of Engineering 
UC Santa Barbara