Bioengineering Emphasis FAQs

Is there an undergraduate major Bioengineering at UCSB?

No. Not at this time.

Is there a degree offered in Bioengineering?

Yes! Our department offers a PhD in Biological Engineering.

How can a Graduate Student add the optional Ph.D. Bioengineering emphasis?

Graduate students who are interested in the Optional Graduate Emphasis in bioengineering can apply to the Emphasis. Go to our How to Apply page.

Can an undergraduate student customize their degree program for bioengineering?

Yes, as permitted by your elective time and in coordination with your home department academic advisor.

Also, undergraduate students can perform independent research with faculty that may be related to Bio-E, attend Bio-E seminars and participate in Bioengineering related co-curriculum.

Are there recommended curriculum tracks for undergraduates interested in engineering?

No. BioE posts an annually updated list of bioengineering related undergraduate technical course electives.

Besides classes, how can I learn more about bioengineering as an undergraduate?
  • Weekly Bioengineering seminars, Career Talks, and Bioengineering Industry Showcases
  • Check out our Events page on the BioE website
  • Get involved with bioengineering-relevant student groups (e.g., Society for Biological Engineering, Engineers Without Borders, Engineering World Health, and BMES Student Chapter)
  • Contact a professor to get involved with undergraduate research
  • Pursue internships and volunteer work related to bioengineering
Can I pursue graduate study in Bioengineering if I do not have a B.S. in Bioengineering?

Yes, see prospective programs for details on their pre-requisites.

Who should I talk to if I have further questions?

Contact the Grad Advisor in BioE,