Synthetic and Systems biology

Computational, Synthetic & Systems biology researchers at UCSB are applying engineering principles and models to advance our understanding of the metabolic, genetic, and regulatory networks underpinning biology; to develop quantitative, predictive descriptions of living organisms; to create biological components and systems that do not exist in the natural world. Computational and experimental research in this area includes: Synthetic biological design, control and computing; Numerical simulation of biological systems and processes; Molecular engineering; Systems biology; -Omics analysis and discovery; bioinformatics and gene network analysis; and to implement new networks in living cells. Applications include conformation-linked sensors that support continuous, real-time molecular measurements in the living body and  the development of novel metabolic pathways (i.e., that do not occur in any single organism) for the production of fine chemicals and new energy sources.

Affiliated Faculty

Associate Professor of Bioengineering
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
The goal of our lab is to develop novel single-cell sequencing technologies to understand how variability in the epigenome regulates gene expression heterogeneity and cell fate decisions.
Assistant Professor of Bioengineering
Focuses on molecular engineering of proteins that control spatial organization in biological systems, with applications in plastic remediation and oral vaccine delivery.
Assistant Professor of Bioengineering
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Our research focuses on engineering genetic reporters for imaging what we think of as the "dark matter" of biology - living systems that cannot be readily imaged using existing reporter gene techniques.
Vice Chair of Bioengineering
Professor of Bioengineering
Professor of Chemical Engineering
Scholle Chair in Chemical Engineering
Genetic engineering and synthetic biology of non-model microorganisms.
Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Professor of Bioengineering
Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
In-vivo molecular measurements, anyone?
Saleh's research is focused on the molecular physics underlying biological systems, with particular experience in nucleic acids, protein/DNA interactions, biomolecular elasticity, and self-assembled biomolecular systems.
Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Director, Dynamical Neuroscience Program
Co-Director, Brain Initiative
We're generally interested in how the brain works, at the level of neurons and synapses.
Assistant Professor Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
We use photo-switchable proteins from plants to understand and control complex cellular behaviors.
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
How does life perform computation?