BRITE Fellow: The Mechanobiology of Sex and Stress
Credit to James Badham
Synopsis of the 22nd Annual University of California Systemwide Symposium on Bioengineering and Biotechnology Industry Showcase
BIC 2022 Awards
Dr. Cheavar Blair, postdoctoral fellow in the Prutit Lab, has been awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Emerald Foundation for his project "Modulating the Integrated Stress Response Pathway to Treat Contractile Dysfunction".
BMSE Students Win Top Prize
Congratulations to Orlando Chirikian!
Elizabeth Jensen was presented with the "Citation of Excellence Award" at the UCSB Staff Assembly on May 3, 2022.
We're lucky to have you as a part of the team!
A Researcher Angela Pitenis receives NSF award to study friction between soft materials.
NIH predoctoral training grant in Quantitative Mechanobiology supported by NIH award 1T32GM141846. Deadline to apply January 15, 2022