Arvind P. Pathak, Ph.D. Associate Professor Dept. of Radiology, Biomedical and Electrical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University TITLE: "IMAGE-BASED" SYSTEM BIOLOGY: Bioengineering's Next Frontier

CBE SEMINAR (In-Person + Zoom)
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Arvind P. Pathak, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Radiology, Biomedical and Electrical Engineering
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
Institute for NanoBioTechnology
Institute for Computational Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Faculty Host
Arnab Mukherjee
11:00 am in Bldg. ESB Room # 2001
Title: "IMAGE-BASED" SYSTEM BIOLOGY: Bioenginering's Next Frontier
This lecture will highlight how bioengineers work at the interface of engineering, medicine and design to develop new hardware, software, and “wetware” tools for characterizing the structure and function of physiological systems in health and disease. I will illustrate how one can leverage multiscale and multimodality imaging approaches in conjunction with novel computational and visualization tools to revolutionize our understanding of disease in the preclinical (i.e. animal models) setting. This lecture will showcase the design of new mini-microscopes for neurovascular imaging in awake, freely moving animals, as well as the development of novel image-based computational biology approaches. It will culminate with the development of a new multimodality and multiscale imaging and visualization pipeline for vascular systems biology applications. In summary, this lecture will demonstrate how advances in instrumentation and computing in conjunction with transgenic animal models of disease and new contrast agents are ushering in an era of “image-based” systems biology – bioengineering’s next frontier.
Dr. Pathak ( is a biomedical engineer, ideator and mentor whose mission is to “improve lives via the transformative power of images”. He received a BS in Electronics Engineering from the University of Poona, India. He received his PhD from the joint program in Functional Imaging between the Medical College of Wisconsin and Marquette University, where he was a Whitaker Foundation Fellow. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Molecular Imaging in the Dept. of Radiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. At Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Dr. Pathak is Professor in the Schools of Medicine (Radiology and Oncology) and Engineering (Biomedical and Electrical Engineering). He is also a member of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Institute for NanoBioTechnology (INBT), and the Institute for Computational Medicine (ICM). As globally recognized expert on functional and molecular imaging, his work has been recognized by multiple journal covers and awards. Dr. Pathak has served in multiple leadership roles spearheading imaging initiatives, mentoring junior faculty, review panels for national and international funding agencies, and journal editorial boards. He currently serves on the Executive Council of the Microcirculatory Society (MCS) and is the Chair of the NIH’s Emerging Imaging Technologies in Neuroscience (EITN) study section. He directs an interdisciplinary, nurturing and continuously funded laboratory, and has mentored over seventy award-winning students. He is dedicated to mentoring the next generation of bioengineers and was the recipient of the ISMRM’s Outstanding Teacher Award in 2014, a JHU Career Champion nominee in 2018, and recognized as a 125 Hopkins Hero by the JHU School of Medicine for his “outstanding dedication to the core values of Johns Hopkins University”.